Questions and Answers about SalSearch
Why does SalSearch not value food and food additives?
The ingredients of food are "metabolized" in the liver that means split to a large extent into the same chemically. Salicylic acid (in normal amounts) such as those exist in the (normal) food portions, is reduced to a small quantity and thus not reaches the blood circulation. Therefore Guaifenesin users also can consume food safely. The situation is different for concentrates and extracts (juice, candy, licorice, tea, etc.), because there the salicylate is much higher.
Anzeige - Dienstleistung/Produkt möglicherweise ungeeignet im Rahmen der Guaifenesin-Therapie
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- If an ingredient is considered to contain salicylate, does this mean automatically that Guaifenesin is blocked by the use of this product?
- What are the most common reasons that a term cannot be evaluated?
- Why should you not enter additives such as stabilizer, antioxidant, emollient, etc.?
- Why is there no evaluation for terms as "flavor", "color", "perfume", "vinegar", etc?
- What is the difference of the answers "automatically determined" and "verified manually by an expert"?
- What can I use SalSearch for?
- Why does SalSearch not answer requests for brand names or products?
- What happens to terms that could not be evaluated?
- Why does SalSearch not value medications and dietary supplements?