Questions and Answers about SalSearch
Why is the knowledge of the salicylate content of cosmetics especially important?
Cosmetics are getting in contact with skin. The salicylates possibly contained may enter directly into the blood and are only slowly broken down by the liver. Cosmetics with salicylates are the largest risk of blocking for Guaifenesin (with exception of mint and menthol in chewing gums, oral care products, etc.).
Anzeige - Dienstleistung/Produkt möglicherweise ungeeignet im Rahmen der Guaifenesin-Therapie
More questions on this topic
- Why does SalSearch not value medications and dietary supplements?
- Why is there no evaluation for terms as "flavor", "color", "perfume", "vinegar", etc?
- Why does SalSearch not value food and food additives?
- What are the most common reasons that a term cannot be evaluated?
- How the salicylates contained in perfume are evaluated?
- Why does SalSearch not value detergent and laundry detergent?
- What is the difference of the answers "automatically determined" and "verified manually by an expert"?
- What happens to terms that could not be evaluated?
- Why does SalSearch not answer requests for brand names or products?
- Why does the salicylate search engine SalSearch give no information about drugs?