Questions and Answers about SalSearch
How the salicylates contained in perfume are evaluated?
Benzylsalicylate and plant extracts (e.g. oak moss extract), which occur in perfume, will be evaluated by SalSearch as “contains salicylate” because they just contain salicylates. However, since they are present in the perfume additive in cosmetic products in extremely low concentrations, they are considered non-blocking. However SalSearch values only the terms and cannot differentiate in what concentrations they are present in each case. This assessment you will have to make yourself if you want to use such a product.
Anzeige - Dienstleistung/Produkt möglicherweise ungeeignet im Rahmen der Guaifenesin-Therapie
More questions on this topic
- Why does the salicylate search engine SalSearch give no information about drugs?
- Why is the knowledge of the salicylate content of cosmetics especially important?
- Why does SalSearch not value food and food additives?
- What can I use SalSearch for?
- What are the most common reasons that a term cannot be evaluated?
- What is the difference of the answers "automatically determined" and "verified manually by an expert"?
- Why does SalSearch prefer INCI terms?
- Why is there no evaluation for terms as "flavor", "color", "perfume", "vinegar", etc?
- Why does SalSearch not value detergent and laundry detergent?
- Why does SalSearch not answer requests for brand names or products?