Questions and Answers about SalSearch
Why is there no evaluation for terms as "flavor", "color", "perfume", "vinegar", etc?
These are umbrella terms that may represent a mix of different, undisclosed ingredients. The term "vinegar" is also ambiguous, because it depends on the method of production, whether it may contain salicylates.
Anzeige - Dienstleistung/Produkt möglicherweise ungeeignet im Rahmen der Guaifenesin-Therapie
More questions on this topic
- What can I use SalSearch for?
- Why does SalSearch not value medications and dietary supplements?
- Why should you not enter additives such as stabilizer, antioxidant, emollient, etc.?
- Why does SalSearch not value detergent and laundry detergent?
- How the salicylates contained in perfume are evaluated?
- What are the most common reasons that a term cannot be evaluated?
- Why does SalSearch not value food and food additives?
- Why does SalSearch prefer INCI terms?
- Why does SalSearch not answer requests for brand names or products?
- Why is the knowledge of the salicylate content of cosmetics especially important?